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TOTEM’s Spiritual Transformation Coaching is ideal for anyone wanting to dig deeper in their lives and take steps to align their soul’s purpose with their career, education, lifestyle, and relationships. What did you come into this life to accomplish? Do you want to build your own spiritual practice? Do you want to learn about your innate psychic abilities and how to leverage these skills in everyday life? Are you contemplating launching a new purpose-led business or
spiritual practice?


If so, this Spiritual Transformation Coaching service is for you.
I currently organize this service in
three specific formats:
1. Hourly coaching
2. One month up-level
3. Three-month intensive

4. Six-month transformation

The Spiritual Transformation Coaching program is offered remotely, via Zoom.

Pricing and details are provided during our FREE consultation.


This isn’t an accountability program or generic personal development experience. Rather, armed with more than two decades’ of intensive spiritual practice with real-world experience, Rachel shares cross-cultural insights, tools, best practices and lessons learned unmatched by any other spiritual coach—all with a focus on pragmatic, daily application.


Our TOTEM intake assessment and coaching methodology are proprietary, leveraging a unique combination of Kabbalah mysticism, sacred geometry, the chakras, shamanism and more, identifying your unique spiritual “fingerprint”, psychic gifts, and life’s purpose.


All work is individual and organized around the specific attributes and interests of the client meaning that this program is immediately tailored to each clients’ unique needs.

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At TOTEM, we really do have the best clients, and it’s been an absolute pleasure to work with so many of you in an intensive, long-term dynamic. We’ve included (below) some feedback from TOTEM Spiritual Transformation Coaching Clients:


“I’ve had the opportunity to work with Rachel on a few key areas, including a tarot reading, rune reading and just wrapped up the coaching program.

Like most of us, I’m a real person with real life responsibilities, but have been interested in exploring the world of “woo”. As I started to learn more and explore this space, I found myself facing a two-fold issue: one- this world is rife with toxic positivity, and a misaligned focus and direction on what is beneficial and real for the real world. Two- I do not have a full weekend, or back to back 8 hour days to dedicate to a coaching or training session.


I felt led to book an initial Tarot Reading with Rachel after hearing her talk on a podcast and I’m so very glad I did; I immediately booked a Rune reading after that, and shortly thereafter enrolled in her coaching program.

Her modalities and approach meet anyone and everyone where they are. The coaching program far exceeded my expectations, and was curated and custom-tailored for me and what we uncovered along the way. I came out of this program with a deeper understanding of myself, any gifts and/or potential gifts, tools to continue to grow spiritually, and a business path (which was not an initial intention to uncover).


Rachel is the real deal that can work with everyday people who haven’t seen spirits since they were kids, but want to safely explore the world of “woo” without being lied to, gaslit or bombed with toxic positivity. If you’re thinking about working with her, I highly recommend it! Any modalities or services she offers would very likely provide you some benefit if you’ve found your way here.”


One of the “loudest” key takeaways from my TOTEM Spiritual Transformation experience has been self-reliance. 


I joined the program not entirely knowing why but having an inkling that it was time to dig deeper into who I am and what I’m doing with myself! I’m an artist, a small business owner, a highly sensitive and curious person, and I’ve felt a sense of isolation because of those characteristics. 

I first came across Rachel’s work by way of the TOTEM Tarot Deck, a lovely gift from my husband. Not having a lot of experience with “the world of woo,” I’m skeptical yet curious, and everything I saw come across my feeds from TOTEM indicated that Rachel was of a similar ilk. The more we worked together the more that openness, curiosity, healthy skepticism and empowerment strengthened. You might say - my instincts were spot on.  



And that’s what the program really did for me - helped me trust my instincts again, trust my intuition again. No one knows all the answers, and whatever answers I need are somewhere inside me. I said more than once to Rachel during the program - “The more I learn, the less I know.” 

It may seem counterintuitive, but I simultaneously wanted a clear “to-do list” out of sheer emotional/mental/spiritual exhaustion while also NOT wanting a formulaic accountability coach/program that was just like the next person. Rachel’s approach was one that allowed us to pivot and adjust based on what came up for me in the shamanic journeys. And oh so much “data” came through those journeys! Each time, I uncovered pieces to this larger puzzle that is my life, and even after concluding the program, more pieces and sections of the puzzle are coming to light. It’s fun, messy and fascinating. 

And back to self-reliance. I found that since I ended the program, I wanted to reach out to Rachel to ask her what symbols meant, to provide readings and suggestions - essentially to do what she did for me during the program. Then I took a step back, and reminded myself that while I’m sure she would reply to my email, she would also remind me to just ask my guides what something meant. So that’s what I’ve done since ending the program, and every time - whether metaphorical or literal - answers have come through, more pieces of the puzzle are uncovered. The experience is richer because I did it myself. 

Rachel reminded me I’m not alone, I’m sensitive because I’ve got some abilities, and it’s better to be my own kind of weird than a corporate drone or someone who just “fits in.” 

I also left the program feeling a deep connection between creativity and spirituality - they are one in the same for me now! 

Moving forward, I'm exploring a new avenue to my creative practice that directly stems from the practice sessions I did with Rachel and those she was so kind to put me in touch with. Looking forward to seeing where it wants to go. 


Thank you! 

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“The spiritual transformation coaching program was an eye opening and powerful experience. Through weekly 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Rachel, I was able to do some spiritual excavation with new modalities such as shamanic journeying, tarot, and channeling. These gave me a new lens to view myself and my priorities - I was able to more clearly see what was working for me and what patterns were no longer serving me. The coaching program was also invaluable for developing my astrology practice. Rachel's experience both as a business owner and in corporate was incredibly helpful for thinking about how to build a small business. We were able to work together in identifying my brand and finding the resources to create it. While I haven't done a full launch yet, I know that whenever I decide to, I have what I need to be successful. Rachel was great to work with and really helped me grow.” 



“I can’t recommend Rachel and her coaching program enough! Rachel takes the time to learn about her clients’ interests, strengths, fears and curiosities. Unlike other coaching programs out there, it’s a personalized journey that evolves from week to week and even within a session! She’s not only incredibly skilled in all things spiritual but has an impressive corporate background and is able to marry the two. She has a strong network and finds ways to introduce clients to people who may be of help on their journey. I always looked forward to our time together. I learned so much about myself through this spiritual journey, but also how I can translate it into a business practice!” 


“Being a former student of the coaching program, I can attest to Rachel’s ability to blend business and spirituality seamlessly. I was very new in my healing business and didn’t really know where to go after I received my training. I happened to find Rachel when her TOTEM coaching program was first launched. Every week I was receiving so much valuable insight into myself that I would not have received if it weren’t for Rachel’s guidance and knowledge. I suffered from imposter syndrome and she was able to help me work through it. When working with the “woo”, it’s easy to get stuck, feeling like what you are doing is crazy. Rachel understands this world better than anyone and was able to help me gain clarity and insight into the changes that I was undergoing. I don’t think I would have pursued opening my small business if it wasn’t for her. Her mentorship instilled the courage I needed to follow my heart’s calling. I would not hesitate for a second on working with Rachel - she is the real deal. My life is forever changed for best and I couldn’t have done it without her.” 



“I completed the spiritual coaching program in 2022 while transitioning back to the workplace from parental leave. I was in a place of seeking, attempting to find a balance between my time of being fully in the feminine during my maternity leave and moving back into the masculine where I had spent over 10 years of my career (honestly, well over 3 decades of my life). The program helped me gain a better understanding of my spiritual self in this human experience. Beyond that, the program also helped me tap into some spiritual tools and techniques that I leverage on a continual basis for when the human experience gets to be too much.


One of the things I appreciated most about the program was Rachel herself. There are so many fake coaches out there (you know the ones, the relationship coaches who have never been in a healthy relationship). Rachel comes with a wealth of experience in both the material and spiritual world. She's extremely professional, thorough, and experienced. Most of all, she's legitimate—she knows her craft and is dedicated to helping women expand.


I would recommend this program to anyone, but especially if you're dancing between the material and spiritual—you want to succeed in your career but also want to be in tune with the real world and yourself.” 

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"Rachel-You embody a rare combination of higher intelligence, well roundedness, and a touch of magic that makes you truly special! Your intuition and perspectives have opened my mind to new possibilities and challenged me to grow spiritually and intellectually. But what truly sets you apart is the touch of magic you bring to everything you do. Your honesty, humor, optimism, kindness, and enchanting personality create an atmosphere that is both uplifting and transformative. Your ability to make people feel seen, heard, and valued is a gift that touches the spirit. 

I am forever grateful for your presence in my life as your guidance and support have made a tremendous impact on my spiritual transformation. Your existence makes the world a better place, especially to those of us spirits who struggle to exist among an abundance of low vibration energies here on earth. For anyone out there contemplating transforming their lives, you will be so happy you chose Rachel and TOTEM Readings!"

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“When I first read about Rachel’s Spiritual Transformation Coaching Program in the TOTEM newsletter, all of my feelers lit up—I knew instantly that the coaching program was something I had to be a part of! From the way Rachel described how the program would work, I knew that it was a container that would help me identify and integrate the ways my soul communicates with
me. I also knew it would help me alchemize my education, passion, curiosity, intuition, and magic to create a coaching/healing practice that allowed me to be fully authentic in the way I serve in the world. From the very first Zoom call, I loved Rachel and her energy! She’s a complete original in the healing/spiritual/business world—she’s incredibly honest, direct, humble, intelligent, supportive, and ethical, and she uses her incredible psychic medium/shamanic/energetic gifts with respect, discernment, and wisdom.

TOTEM’s Spiritual Coaching Program is unique in that each program member’s curriculum is totally personalized to them. There were no group sessions or containers but simply 1:1 Zoom coaching sessions with Rachel. Having this focused time together to discuss, explore, practice, and learn was such a valuable gift; getting to enjoy this high level of hands-on coaching from such an experienced professional was truly priceless. My 6-month program was completely designed and led by me and the ways in which I wanted to grow myself and build my business. Working with Rachel was not only a TON of fun (she’s absolutely hysterical!) but also like having a living Rolodex of resources on speed dial—need trademarking advice? She’s got it. Need a referral for branding and logo development? Never fear. See 4 crows and a woodpecker just when you have an inspired idea about what a psychic vision might mean and need some clarity? She’s all over that.

This program came along at the exact time I needed it (as most wonderful things do). I’d been going through massive life changes for years, and my business plans and my broken heart were moving forward in fits and spurts. Rachel’s program was a conduit to my personal healing—I was able to explore how spirit and nature magic could support my own recovery. I could access my own wisdom through shamanic journeying, connect with other practitioners to practice a new skill, and crystallize my ideas for building my spirit-led nutrition and ritual wellness business. Rachel’s program allowed a safe and supportive place to discuss all the witchy, magical, and inspired ways I want to serve in the world—and then gave me practical help to bring my ideas into reality. After 3 years of struggling with how to show up professionally in a way that truly resonated with my soul, I am thrilled that my practice now lives and breathes! I’m happier and more peaceful than I’ve been in a very long time because I’ve been able to activate my spirit, heart, and intuition in service to my practice. That means the world to me. I could not be more grateful to Rachel and her wonderful coaching program—it’s been the best investment
I’ve made for myself in years.” 


“Rachel's Spiritual Transformation Coaching Program was personally and professionally rewarding. The soul recollection journey was perhaps one of the most powerful journeys I've ever experienced and the "findings" and results continue to unfold and reveal insights to me weeks and months later. She is an abundant well of shamanic information and spiritual resources, and because of her corporate background I got some major clarity and fine-tuning for
my own spiritual business. I'm moving forward with a deeper connection to Spirit, my guides, a stronger sense of my psychic abilities, and greater certainty and excitement about my business and brand. I had no idea I was an animal communicator and i's opened an entire new door for my spiritual business, not to mention expanding my heart in the most beautiful way! And of course, I have to share about Rachel's ability to create a safe environment while sitting with her clients through some very dark and painful portions of awakening and healing. Not many coaches, let alone people, can do that authentically and with zero judgement. Shamanic journeying and spiritual work is wild and many times over the years, I've thought, "Omg am I crazy?" or friends and family look at me like I'm crazy, haha, but I never felt that once with Rachel...and that is huge. She has a unique blend of empathy, grounded logic, humor and empowerment that allowed me to find my own truths. Her heart, integrity and her belief in her
clients is pretty profound - she's been a big cheerleader for me! It's definitely a program that is custom-tailored to wherever you are at in your professional or personal spiritual journey. And I'll be returning in the future! Thank you Rachel!”






I came across Rachel first via a podcast, then ordered some of her amazing flower essences, then scheduled a reading with her. After meeting her I was struck by her honesty, humor and incredible depth of knowledge, not just of all things &" spiritual" but for business, philosophy and literature. I just completed a 3-month coaching program that helped me to get clarity for my artistic/spiritual work. She does this through recommending readings, simple practices and mostly the way she listens and gives you space to process and in the most non-threatening way. Also, she does not record sessions, which I think is more powerful as she is in the moment speaking directly to you, and allows one to listen deeply and feel truly heard.


I appreciate how Rachel creates a safe space for her clients to be honest and to go beyond the “spiritual rhetoric” to their own voice and experiences with tarot, journeys, meditation, etc. For we all hold the key to our growth and spiritual gifts/path—we just need someone to hold a flashlight sometimes in order to find it. We then choose whether to use the key or not. It’s always a choice."

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“I met Rachel when she hosted a shamanic journeying session and immediately appreciated her straight forward, pragmatic, practical approach. I trusted her instantly, and if you have engaged with people in the medium/psychic/energy space trust is a big deal. When she offered the spiritual coaching opportunity, I knew I had to sign up. And I am not a signer-upper by nature, but it was loud and clear that I should commit to this work, and do it with Rachel. My energy and spiritual life immediately started to elevate, even before I started the program. If you have been looking for a spiritual home to bring more intuitive skills into your life Rachel is that guide. As I told Rachel recently, being coached by her, and feeling the strength from the other people in the cohort, has given me the courage to be who I really am - and not be intimidated by the
theater of man. This work is elemental, and beyond important for our world. The universe needs your energy to be at its highest level and Rachel can get you there. Rachel curates content for each individual she is coaching based on where you are in your journey and which spiritual layers need attention and skills need development. This was one of the most valuable and empowering investments I've made in myself in my life.”

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